Sunday, May 5, 2013

Great Beach Weather in Tel Aviv

Though Friday, expect great beach weather. Highs will be in the upper 20's to lower 30's (°C), with lots of sunshine. The temperature trend will continue though the weekend, but both Saturday and Sunday have a chance of showers.

Weather Memories Growing Up

   Since I was 5 years old, I've been fascinated with weather. This is mostly due to the fact I grew up in Brooklyn, NY. I experienced all sorts of wild weather there. These many weather memories make me the weather geek I am today.
   One of my favorite memories would be walking outside in the middle of a blizzard. I could just remember how within minutes an area I dug free of snow would be covered with snow literally in minutes. I remember my parents wanting me to come in, but I just had to stay out, as the weather nut I was. I remember the snow blowers blowing, when I woke up. I remember going outside to see piles of snow everywhere.
   Another memory was when I was very young. My family and I were in a restaurant. When we walked outside, the sky was very Erie. Fallen trees were everywhere, blocking roads and everything. I believe 2 tornadoes had been confirmed, that day. In a similar event, I believe a combination of very heavy rainfall, and strong winds brought down trees.
   I remember a great blackout one summer. This was because of such extreme heat. It was such a weird feeling, coming home to my apartment that had no electricity. We had to find alternative sources of light.
   A more recent memory would be in the spring of 2009. It was late March, to be exact. I was moving to South Carolina. I remember there being a early but rather intense heatwave. I remembering it got to a scorching 93 degrees, on the last day we were in Brooklyn. The strange thing is that I don't remember this being the temperature recorded, thus the weather station must have been off by several degrees.
   One other memory I have is burning newspapers in the summer sun. (kids, please don't try this at home) The power of the sun just amazed me, as I lined up the magnifying glass perfectly, to get an area smoking on the newspaper, and eventually a flame! One time I was just too close to making a stupid mistake. I had added pine cones as well, and the flame was huge! The bad thing was that I was right near my house. I had to hurry inside to get a bucket of water, before things got out of control. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013