First of all, the GFS is showing a major snowstorm for the Southeast from the 7th to the 9th. This snowstorm will give even Florida a chance for snow, especially Northern Florida. Weirdly enough, the GFS also give south Florida a chance at rare snow. On the 9th of January, the GFS put areas as south as Coral Springs, FL in the chance of snow! Areas like Charlotte,NC (in the lightest shade of blue) is put in the 12-15 inch range for snow (depends on snow to liquid ratio)! Areas just to the north of Charlotte are in the bullseye for the most snow. These areas (shaded in light purple) could get 15-17 inches of snow(depends on snow to liquid ratio)! This is the GFS's best guess to when the arctic air will plunge south.
GFS Hour 276 |
GFS Hour 288
The European model shows snow anywhere from January 3rd to the 5th. This shows a pretty similiar setup to what the GFS is thinking. Just like the GFS, this model also brings snow chances to Florida. The rain-snow line are pretty similar, both models putting it over Florida. The European shows much colder temperatures. This model showed the same area getting hit the hardest. It shows Charlotte getting anywhere from 3-5 inches of snow. Just look the GFS model, it shows areas just to the north of Charlotte getting hit the hardest. Areas like Greensboro,NC is in the 5+ inch range.
The forecast could change, so stay tuned. Keep your fingers crossed that is does snow out!
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